Abdulrahman al-Salmi

Mahdi Visiting Research Fellow (Fall 2016)

Dr. Abdulrahman al-Salmi is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Al-Tafahom  (Tolerance/Understanding) and an Omani expert on ancient Islamic manuscripts. He has authored numerous books including Early Ibadi Literature; Early Ibadi Theology; and Islamic Art in Oman. Dr. al-Salmi has taught Islamic studies at the Institute of Shariah Sciences in Muscat. 

Dr. al-Salmi joined us as the Mahdi Visiting Research Fellow and worked on an edition of a hitherto unpublished old commentary of the Qur’an by the prominent 5th/11th century Mu’tazili scholar, al-Hakim al-Jushami (d. 494/1100). He gave two lectures on the importance of this commentary and on the methodology he adopts for producing an authoritative edition of it. The book will be published next year in ten volumes.