This event is free and open to the public. No tickets or registration necessary. Seating is on a first come, first served basis. Photo ID required for entry.
The idea of a Golden Age is as old as history itself. Many religious and dynastic communities of the past constructed visions of a prelapsarian world. Often times this was central to authorizing the very nature of their own knowledge-claims. This conference will feature Cemil Aydin, Deborah Coen, James Delbourgo, Marwa Elshakry, Cathy Gere, George Saliba, Steven Shapin, Pamela Smith, Geert Somsen, and others.
Co-sponsored by Columbia University Seminar on the History of Philosophy and Science, Heyman Center for the Humanities, Department of History, Center for International History, Blinken European Institute and the Middle East Institute.