Weatherhead East Asian Institute presents the 2012-2013 Workshop Series After the Postcolonial Turn: Global Perspectives Inaugurating the new series Institutes Global Connections
On the premise that post-colonialism (the theory and scholarly practice) and post-coloniality (the historical condition) have both reached a new stage, this series of informal workshop-discussions will compare the specificities of colonial histories across the globe in order to identify commonalities and differences toward the goal of a new conceptualization of those all-too-well-worn words: colonialism and empire.
With guest lecturer Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies, Department of History. Discussant: Victoria de Grazia, Moore Collegiate Professor of History, Department of History
Co-sponsored by The Institute of African Studies, The Harriman Institute, The Blinken European Institute, Institute of Latin American Studies at Columbia University, The Middle East Institute, Committee on Global Thought, and Departments of History, Anthropology and East Asian Languages and Cultures.