Call for Paper Abstracts: August 26, 2019
Paper Submission: November 1, 2019
Columbia Global Centers | Amman is requesting paper proposals to present at the roundtable, A Century of Palestinian Nationalism: Modes of Political Organization and Representation since 1919. Organized in partnership with the Institut Francais Proche Orient (Ifpo), the Institute for Palestine Studies and Al Hekma Association, the roundtable will be held at Columbia Global Centers | Amman on Saturday, December 14 and Sunday, December 15, 2019.
The roundtable will investigate the historical causes for the formation of the First Palestinian Congress, the Muslim-Christian Associations, and the course of the Palestinian National Movement to this day. The roundtable will also retrace the political and social profiles of those who established these different Palestinian organizations pre- and post-Nakba. Submitted papers and a full event program will be provided in advance of the roundtable.’
For more information, please refer to the Call for Papers.