Indigenous (In)Justice, Human Rights Law and Bedouin Arabs in the Naqab/Negev

February 21, 2013

Indigenous (In)Justice, Human Rights Law and Bedouin Arabs in the Naqab/Negev

Co-sponsored by the Center for the Study of Ethnicity & Race (CSER) at Columbia University.

Monday, February 25


Room 208 Knox

Please join the Center for Palestine Studies for a book discussion with Ahmad Amara, John Sheehan and Brinkley Messick. Indigenous (in)Justice addresses property issues related to indigenous Palestinians and Bedouin Arabs in the Naqab/Negev from a comparative and international legal perspective. In addition to the Bedouin-Palestinian experience, this book discusses the Australian, Canadian, and U.S. cases of indigenous treatment and land expropriation.

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