Are Israel's Policies Justified in Light of the Security Issues it Faces?

Monday, March 31

Time: 7:30pm

Location:  the Diana Center at Barnard

Jointhe Columbia International Relations Council and Association (CIRCA)  for a powerful debate on Israel's policies as they relate to security threats facing the country. The debate is being put on as a partnership with the Columbia International Relations Council and Association (CIRCA), Mayanot and This World: The Values Network.

The organizations do not endorse the viewpoints of the speakers but are simply providing a forum for discussion. America's Rabbi and bestselling author, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, along with radio host and author, Dennis Prager will debate against Hussein Ibish, Senior Fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine, along with author and political commentator, Peter Beinart.

Free Admission -- Limited Space Available -- Reserve Your Ticket and RSVP Today. 

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