Panel Discussion on Instability in Iraq and Implications for Global Energy Markets
Thursday, June 19th
Time: 3:45 to 5:15 pm
Location: Columbia Club
15 West 43rd Street (between 5th Avenue and Avenue of the Americas)
Please join the Center on Global Energy Policy for a discussion on Instability in Iraq and Implications for Global Energy Markets with:
Heilma Croft, Managing Director, Barclays Capital;
Dr. Michael Knights, Lafer Fellow, The Washington Institute;
Dr. Austin Long, Assistant Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia SIPA;
Dr. Edward L. Morse, Managing Director, Global Head of Commodities Research, Citigroup; and
Dr. Meghan O'Sullivan, Jeane Kirkpatrick Professor of the Practice of International Affairs and Director of the Geopolitics of Energy Project, Harvard University's Kennedy School; former Deputy National Security Adviser on Iraq and Afghanistan.
Recent violence in Iraq, led by the Sunni insurgent group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), threatens to embroil Iraq and the region in instability. This uncertainty has already triggered spikes in global oil prices. Our panelists will discuss how current events in Iraq and the region will impact regional politics, global energy markets and energy security, and U.S. policy toward the Middle East. Center Director Jason Bordoff will moderate the discussion.
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