Politics in a Grey Zone: Connivance Militancy in Malaysia and Tunisia
Thursday, March 12
International Affairs Building, 918
European University Institute
Florence, Italy
This talk is drawn from a new and on-going comparative research in Malaysia (2008-2014) and Tunisia (2014) exploring the rise of connivance militants in young democracies as a conjectural and/or systemic phenomenon. This talk will show how the end of the Mahathir era in Malaysia and the fall of the system of patronage in Tunisia may have reconfigured the system of political allegiance; it will also expose how connivance militancy is today formulated and shaped in both countries. In a longer term, this comparative perspective aims at defining a general pattern of connivance militancy in transitional regimes from two different areas of study and in spite of national specificities.
Sponsored by the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Southeast Asia Student Initiative (SEASI) and The New York Southeast Asia Network