Fear of the Dark: Understanding Religious Diversity in Greece
Join the Middle East Institute for another Brown Bag Lunch Series. This week's lecture "Fear of the Dark: Understanding Religious Diversity in Greece" will be led by our Mahdi Visiting Research Fellow Dr. Angeliki Ziaka of the University of Thessaloniki in Greece.

Iraq, the Arab Spring, and Prospect for Reform in the Arab World
A Brownbag Lecture with David L. Phillips
Director, Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University's Institute for the Study of Human Rights
Mr. Phillips is a former Foreign Affairs Expert and Senior Adviser to the Near Eastern Affairs Bureau of the U.S. Department of State. He is author of many articles and books on political developments in the Middle East, including Losing Iraq: Inside the Postwar Reconstruction Fiasco and From Bullets to Ballots: Violent Muslim Movements in Transition.
Co-sponsored by the Middle East Institute and the Institute for the Study of Human Rights.

Tunisia Before & After Ben Ali
Panel and Q&A with Columbia Professors Taoufiq Ben Amor and Rym Bettaieb, and SIPA alumnus (PEPM'07) from Tunisia, Rim Nour
Co-sponsored by with Arab Student Association and the Institute for African Studies.
Columbia University Professors Taoufiq Ben Amor and Rym Bettaieb, and SIPA alumnus (PEPM'07) from Tunisia, Rim Nour, share their viewpoints and updates on the recent events in Tunisia exploring topics ranging from the role that young people have played, to the use of social media, to the mechanisms of grassroots mobilization, as well as the stereotypes that the revolution broke. A Q&A session will follow the panel.
Dying to Forget: The Foundations of US Foreign Policy in the Middle East, 1945-1949
Brownbag Lecture with Irene Gendzier

Digital Technology and Democracy in the Muslim World
Brownbag Lecture with Philip Howard
Co-Sponsor: SIPA's International Media, Advocacy and Communications specialization.

"The Green Movement in Iran: Losing Politically but Reasserting Itself Socially"
A brown bag lecture with Fariba Adelkhah
Time: 12:00-2:00pm
Co-sponsored by the Center for the Study of Democracy, Toleration and Religion and the Alliance Program.

"The Lineages of the Neo-Mamluk State"
A brown bag lecture with Professor Richard Bulliet

Turkey's Entente with Israel and Azerbaijan: End of the Dance?
A brown bag with Alexander Murinson

Israel's Last Allies? Christian Zionists and Their Expansive Vision of the Jewish State
A brown bag lecture with Célia Belin

Why History Matters: International Law and the Origins of the Arab-Israel Conflict
A brown bag lecture with Victor Kattan

"Utopia Against Utopia: Herzl's Zionist Imagination"
A brown bag lecture with Eran Kaplan
Co-sponsored by: Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies